Wednesday, July 10, 2013

When the mind and body arent on the same page

Today I was going to have a nice and easy session dedicated to one arm pullups.  In my mind I knew I wouldn't be satisfied with doing just 50 one arm pullups and heading home no matter how light a day I had planned.... but I was wrong.  As soon as I grabbed the bar my body said no.  My shoulders were still recovering from the one arm handstand pushup training a few days ago and my biceps were sore for some strange reason.  What was supposed to be a quick 10 right, 10 left 1st set turned into barely doing 5 on each arm.  I knew just one more rushed set and I could have done serious damage to my shoulders, forearms, and possibly biceps.  Knowing my limits, I decided to stretch a bit and do what I could before my body really told me to stop.  I had to swallow my desire to reach a set number of one arm pullups and work with what my body had to give. 

I ended up doing only 40 one arm pullups, 20 wide arm pullups, and 20 chest to bar pullups. While I didn't accomplish much today, Ill just train one arm pullups at the end of the week when my body give me the thumbs up.  Being healthy enough to train another day is always a top priority. 

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