Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mission... complete!!!!

And with good form!  No kip!  Pretty pumped!  I will keep everyone updated on my complete training schedule and possibly post a video soon. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Almost there!

Just posting a few thoughts

After my failed attempts, I realized I will have to work on my triceps a bit more.  Those machine shoulder presses have paid off far faster than I thought they would.  After just three months into my training I am able to make it halfway up on both arms.  My old shoulder injury from my time as a wrestler is giving me a bit of trouble, along with my left foot.  My form is a bit off at the midway point as well.... I think.  Thinking I may need to start moving my body towards the pressing arm as I push off, keeping everything close to generate more power and stability.  Not exactly sure about it all.....  But I will not attempt again until this weekend.  I am not expecting to get it, but want to see if I have made any significant improvements during the week. 

Need to be careful training triceps!  I have avoided pull downs and have been using machines to isolate them better.  Must not over train!

Training my upper chest is also a priority.  Pushups are out of the question until I can figure a way around my foot.  Handstand pushups are the best option right now outside of seated machine presses. 

May work on my grip strength a bit more.

My goal is to knockout the one arm handstand pushup within the next three months.